Process Service in Iowa

Process Service in Iowa

Need an Iowa process server?  We serve all 99 counties!

Local Coverage Area
We are located right on the border of Polk and Dallas counties in the heart of the Des Moines metro area. Central Iowa falls within our “Local Coverage Area“, and includes Polk, Dallas, Boone, Story, Jasper, Warren, and Madison counties. We serve downtown Des Moines businesses daily and are at CT Corporation and Corporation Service Company several times per week. Most residential addresses in Polk and Dallas counties are attempted daily. We have enough volume in the bordering counties that our servers make regular attempts in each several times per week as well.

Local Coverage Area Information

  • Normal Turnaround Time:
    • 1-5 days*  for Polk and Dallas Counties
    • 1-10 days * for Boone Story, Jasper, Warren and Madison Counties
  • First Attempt is generally made within 24-48 hours (or sooner) depending on workload and route planning.
  • Upload, Email or fax us documents for faster delivery to our servers and reduced turnaround time.

Extended Coverage Area
Our “Extended Coverage Area” includes the remaining counties in Iowa. This is a significant part of our business because we have the most reliable network of statewide, Iowa Process Servers in place. Our servers cover larger areas such as Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge, Dubuque, and Sioux City daily. Some of the more remote areas are attempted anywhere from 1-3 times per week.

Extended Coverage Area Information

  • Normal Turnaround Time – 5-14 days*
  • First Attempt is generally made within 5 days, often sooner depending on workload, route planning, and format in which documents are received and can be distributed to our servers.
  • Delivery of documents to our server is made by first class mail (unless documents can be faxed or emailed). Additional fees will apply if express delivery is needed.
  • Upload, Email or fax us documents for faster delivery to our servers and reduced turnaround time.

*Normal Turnaround Times are estimates based on historical averages of previously completed cases and well as projections based on current availability of our servers. These estimates should be used to give you an idea of our goals and what can be expected most often but are not guarantees. We do our best to complete each service as quickly as possible, however, since each case is unique and circumstances vary, exact service dates are impossible to predict.